Introducing Clodui ๐ŸŽ‰

By Rajeeshin AnnouncementsMarch 22nd 2020

Building an optimized website requires a lot of energy and effort. With a variety of devices and users spread across the globe, optimizing a website for speed requires careful planning and in-depth knowledge.

Improving website performance increases user acquisition and retention. Many studies showed how important it is to load your website under a few seconds.

Clodui is the service for hosting your website in the cloud and automatically optimizing it for speed. If you are a seasoned web developer or newbie, Clodui helps in optimizing your website so that you can spend more time building the website not optimizing.

Clodui has simple deployment process; drag and drop files from your desktop, Clodui does the rest, and your website will be ready under a minute. We also provide a command-line(CLI) tool to deploy your website from your local machine or any CI/CD builds.

Clodui handles form submissions automatically without any need of programming. You can configure it for sending an email or webhook notification when a form submitted from your website.

How we improve your website speed

Clodui takes three steps to improve your website speed.

  • Automatic Image Optimization: Still using clunky PNG and JPEG files? Weโ€™ll take your images and convert them to the webโ€™s modern image format: WebP. With smaller image files in the same or better resolution, you can have a much faster-loading website with the same user experience.
  • Global Content Delivery Network (CDN): Your users arenโ€™t all from the same place, so why is your website delivered from just one place? With Clodui, we deploy your website to a Globally Distributed CDN servers, so when a user visits your site, itโ€™s served from the nearest CDN server.
  • Asset Optimization: Big files will slow your site down. Clodui will automatically minify your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files and serve a compressed gzip format to users. Thus boosts your website speed without affecting the result.

Start using Clodui from now to see the difference, signing up here to get started.

Let us know your feedback and stay tuned for more features.

Happy hacking

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